4 Furnace Sounds You Shouldn’t Ignore in Summerlin, NV

Your furnace shouldn’t produce any loud sounds when it’s operating correctly and providing warm air in your Summerlin, NV, home. It’s normal for the furnace to make some noise as you turn it on, though. But alarming noises indicate your heating equipment requires immediate professional attention. Here are some furnace sounds that indicate trouble with the heating system and what they mean:


Rattling sounds coming from your furnace could indicate a minor problem, like a loose screw. Or they can signal a severe issue, like a broken furnace component. When you hear rattling, it’s advisable to immediately shut off your furnace and contact a professional. A knowledgeable furnace repair service technician will inspect the system to diagnose the cause of the rattling and recommend the best solution.


Rattling and rumbling may sound similar, but different issues cause them. Grime buildup on the furnace’s heating elements can strain the system, creating a rumbling noise. These noises could also indicate a severe mechanical issue or a leak in the heat exchanger, which is dangerous because it allows carbon monoxide gas to leak into your home.

Banging or Popping

As your furnace starts, you may hear a booming, banging or popping, almost like an engine misfiring. It may also occur when the furnace cycles off. But either way, this sound may result from your ducts expanding or contracting as the temperatures change. A ductwork check can eliminate any popping or banging sounds.


Heat exchanger or ignition problems may cause a clicking sound from your furnace. If these parts are functioning correctly, an HVAC service technician can maintain your furnace to stop bolts, nuts and other components from clicking.

Don’t overlook odd furnace sounds. They’re the first sign that your heating equipment is having trouble. Regular furnace tuneups can help you avert most problems, including these noises. Contact our team at Super Service Cooling & Heating for the best HVAC maintenance and furnace repairs.

Image provided by iStock

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