Help! My AC System in Paradise, NV, Is Overheating!

An overheating air conditioner is puzzling and frustrating. So what causes an AC system to overheat? Let’s discuss why your AC system in Paradise, NV, may be overheating.

Clogged Air Filter in the AC System

The air filter is a core part of the AC system. It traps contaminants to prevent indoor air contamination. However, a clogged filter affects the AC system’s efficiency, causing it to overwork and overheat.

Ideally, the appliance must use more power to circulate air in the system since the filter doesn’t seamlessly let air through. Clogged filters reduce airflow in the AC system, causing condensation along the evaporator coils. This predisposes the air conditioner to overheat as it attempts to circulate the refrigerant.

Undersized AC System for Your Home

Your AC system will overheat if it’s too small to cool your home. An undersized air conditioner overworks to maintain the desired temperatures. For instance, it could run for long hours without shutting off or start short cycling to protect critical air conditioning components from damage.

If you experience this problem, the best solution would be to contact an HVAC professional for an AC replacement. The service technician will examine the layout and design of your home to determine a suitable AC installation size. For example, they could recommend a large AC system if your home lacks insulation and seals around the doors and windows.

Low AC Refrigerant Causes Overheating

The refrigerant absorbs heat from your home or outside to create a cool or warm environment. If the AC system has inadequate refrigerant, it takes longer to cool your home’s interior. The AC components overwork, causing overheating.

Leaks are the primary cause of low refrigerant levels. Hearing hissing or bubbling sounds is an easy way to detect refrigerant leaks. If your AC system has a refrigerant leak, shut it off to avoid high energy bills and a catastrophic failure.

Why worry about an overheating AC system? Contact Super Service Cooling & Heating to schedule our AC repair services. Our dedicated and experienced HVAC team offers high-quality air conditioners repairs at an affordable cost.

Image provided by iStock

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