How to Maintain High AC Efficiency This Summer

Can you imagine surviving a summer in Las Vegas, NV, without an air conditioner? Everyone has some type of cooling system where they live, but the price people pay for comfort ranges depending on how they care for and use it. Read on to learn how to maintain high AC efficiency this summer so you can keep your energy bills in check.

Change the System’s Filter

The filter in your air conditioner stops particles from collecting in the system. As a result, it prevents operational strain and reduces your risk of a breakdown. A clean filter also helps you maintain healthy indoor air quality.

During peak cooling season, you should change your filter every month. If you find that your filter is clogging faster, consider adding an air purifier for additional filtration. By doing so, you’ll improve AC efficiency.

Clear the Condensate Drain Line

Your air conditioner doesn’t only cool your living spaces; it also decreases humidity to enhance indoor comfort. The condensate drain line is where your AC system moves that excess moisture out of your home. If it clogs and the drain pan overflows, it can cause property damage. Use half a cup of vinegar to clear the drain line periodically.

Utilize Your Ceiling Fans

Do you have ceiling fans in your home. Ensure you set them to rotate in a counterclockwise direction. As a result, they will push the cool air your AC system produces downward to create a windchill effect and make the room feel cooler. Remember to turn the fan off when leaving the room because it’s of no use in an empty space and will waste energy.

Schedule AC Maintenance

It’s best to leave most maintenance tasks to a qualified professional who can guarantee high AC efficiency. To schedule your air conditioner maintenance visit, contact Super Service Cooling & Heating today.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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